Fad diets come and fad diets go, but yet millions of people continue to try them to lose weight fast. The truth is that some fad diets do work for some people, but if there was one that really worked as advertised, then there would be no need to ever have a new fad diet because people would continue to use the one that worked. In effect, the people who sell fad diets are better if their plans don’t work perfectly.
Don’t get discouraged though, even though fad diets aren’t the answer, it is possible to lose weight fast. In fact, the fad diets that do work (if only temporarily) all rely on a basic principle: you can only lose weight by getting rid of more calories than your body stores.
As basic as this principle is, it still works. Now, a fad diet may disguise that principle in a nice, gimmicky wrapper, but it’s still the same principle. However, you don’t need to rely on fad diets to take advantage of this principle to lose weight fast.
So what can you do? As mentioned, you lose weight by burning more calories than you store; therefore, you need to decrease how many calories you take in and increase how many calories you burn. You can do one or the other and still lose weight, but if you are looking for quick results, then you need to do both.
Before you start a new diet and exercise program, it is necessary for you to talk to your doctor. She will be aware of any underlying health problems you may have, and they will also be up on the latest research.
Here’s something to think about: You can potentially eat a lot more calories in five minutes than you can burn off in the same amount of time. For example, ten potato chips have about 150 calories. Now, if you could eat ten chips in one minute, then you can just as easily eat 50 chips in five minutes, which adds up to 750 calories. There is no exercise out there that allows you to burn 750 calories in five minutes. Therefore, you have to pay attention to what you’re eating if you want to lose weight fast.
The food you eat is very important, but you also need to engage in physical activity if you want to lose weight fast. Just as you need to combine eating with physical activity, you also need to combine aerobic and resistance exercises to rapidly drop those extra pounds. Aerobic exercise (jogging, kickboxing, rowing, cross-country skiing) burns a lot of calories while you’re doing it and gets your heart pumping. Resistance exercise (weight lifting, plyometrics) doesn’t burn as many calories during exercise, but builds muscle which burns more calories throughout the day.
This is only the beginning. If you really want to lose weight fast, then be sure to find a good plan to follow…you’ll be happy you did!
Warm Quinoa Salad
Courtesy of GroupRecipes.com
- 1 cup of quinoa, rinsed
- 2 cups of water or stock
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 3 cloves garlic, chopped
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil
- 1/4 cup chopped fresh coriander (cilantro)
- 1 tomato, seeds and excess pulp removed, chopped
- 1 can adzuki beans, rinsed well
- 4 TBS lemon juice
- 3 TBS olive oil
- 3 cups shredded romaine lettuce
- 1 avocado, cubed
- 1 TBS chopped pumpkin seeds
- Unrefined sea salt and pepper, to taste
Combine rinsed quinoa, water, onion, garlic, and a little salt in medium saucepan and turn heat to high. Bring to a boil, cover, lower the heat to low, and simmer gently for about 15 minutes. Fluff with fork and transfer to a bowl. Add chopped herbs, tomato, rinsed adzuki beans, 2 TBS lemon juice, 1 TBS olive oil, salt and pepper.
Toss romaine and avocado in rest of lemon juice and 2 TBS olive oil. Season with salt and cracked black pepper. Serve quinoa on bed of salad greens. Sprinkle with chopped pumpkin seeds. Read more:
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