The Total Wellness Cleanse is a program designed by Yuri Elkaim, Amy Coates, and Adam Elkaim. As the Total Wellness Cleanse team, these three know there stuff – and their sales page has a ton of testimonials which back up their claims of success following their plan. The Total Wellness Cleanse appears to be one of the most popular detox diets but is it right for you?
The focus of this program is on acid and how acid in your body can actually encourage germs, disease and other nasty things to grow in your body. The Total Wellness Cleanse is all about alkalising your body so that you will feel better and be at a lower risk of diseases such as cancer and infections such as athlete’s foot and yeast infections.
What’s involved in the Total Wellness Cleanse?
The best thing about the Total Wellness Cleanse is that it doesn’t involve taking any weird pills or “magic” supplements. You can lose weight, have more energy and feel healthier without taking any strange meds or weird detox powders. This makes it a very popular program.
The program is broken down into stages over the 30 day Total Wellness Cleanse and starts with a 14 day kick start called the Cleanse Phase. This phase focuses on kick starting your body into the detox and helps to reduce your sugar cravings and re-sets your body’s acid and alkaline balance.
Days 15 to 30 are the maintenance phase where you implement an 8 week post-cleanse meal plan to help your body recover from the cleanse and work towards a healthier lifestyle. The Total Wellness Cleanse is very popular because of this strategy of cleansing and then recovering.
The Total Wellness Cleanse team of Yuri Elkaim, Amy Coates, and Adam Elkaim also offer a ton of support during your time on the program which makes it much easier to stick to. Very few detox diets offer this and it can be the biggest reason for failure – no support means you can easily fall off the wagon and go back to your old eating habits.
The Total Wellness Cleanse is something we would definitely recommend if you’re looking to gain energy, lose stubborn fat and start on a road to a healthier lifestyle.
the benefits of juicing Dunnville Chronicle the benefits of juicing. Dunnville Chronicle. In total I had four cups of fruit four cups of greens three cups of water and six ice cubes. Today’s juice was made When doing a deep cleanse you want to eliminate the body having to work and juice allows the intestinal area and organs to cleanse.…