You will never confuse me with Emeril that’s for sure. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t teach you how to cook up an awesome tasting meal in minutes that won’t only taste great but actually help you to build muscle and burn fat. Sound like just what you were looking for? Good. One thing that drives me up a wall are the so called experts out there telling you to be scared of carbs and that the only way you’ll be able to lose weight and build muscle is to starve yourself all day. This is simply not true. I’m going to show you how you can actually eat lots of the right kinds of food to build muscle fast and how it’s actually necessary for your body to burn fat and get lean. With the AthLEAN-X 90 day X-Factor Muscle building meal plans, you are now able to start eating again…and enjoying your food like you used to (when you weren’t on a diet!) Let me show you exactly how me and my top professional athlete clients eat for muscle gain and a fast metabolism. Former physical therapist and strength coach for the New York Mets, Celebrity fitness trainer and Men’s Fitness magazine writer Jeff Cavaliere shows you how to eat for muscle gain and fat loss by taking you through a 6 minute meal that anybody (even those with limited kitchen skills) can make. For even more healthy and great tasting meal options head to https to get the AthLEAN-X System and 90 day meal plans. Be the best you can be in the year 2010 with AthLEAN-X!
gadgetsforyou says
Is fried chicken ok to eat or no?
nubaddict says
@gadgetsforyou obv not. anything fried is bad for u
ilthemsc says
Hey, what’s your opinion on complex carbs and getting lean? A lot of fitness gurus say that you should watch out for complex carbs because even those raise your insulin and can make you fat, but personally I find that a little frustrating. I hate carb cycling and all these complicated plans. I want a simple plan that lets me eat what I want, when I want (as long as the food is healthy).
efcthomasregan says
What would happen to a performer who was really healthy and they had a some really bad food? Say a big kebab, Would the body react while eating it, if so how?
rq74ever says
Awesome video man,keep it up 🙂
3628800258 says
the dog is like, hey give me some attention already!
jesse77565 says
its ok to eat carbs at night ???????????????
Maggynus says
@jesse77565 your going to have to eat carbohydrates sometime, whether you like it or not, but attempt to avoid them at all costs. And no, if anytime is good for carbohydrates it would be before intense excersize because they are your bodies most easily burnt form of energy.
andwegoon says
The first thing you should do when you walk in is wash your hands!
salvation141 says
which is better eating before gymming or eating after gymming ?
mattj213546 says
@salvation141 after
mattj213546 says
sounds tastey
pigsy65 says
@andwegoon especialy after he touched the dogs mouth! absolutely minging! yuk!
kandaband69 says
@pigsy65 hes a man, what do ya expect
kandaband69 says
@pigsy65 hes a man, what do ya expect id do the same
TheMusclesmagee says
Why do people look for bodybuilding tips on youtube? Do you guys not know there are countless bodybuilding forums where you can search and find answers to all your questions? If you can’t than just make a post about it on a forum. Youtube is not the place to go for info on this stuff people. Not saying anything bad about the dude in the video, just saying…
DarkVoid1348 says
the microwave just kill most of the nutrients so how is it healthy?
ProgMetalGuitarist says
@salvation141 eat something high in complex carbs like oatmeal or whole grain pasta a couple hours before a workout if you want.
golu3990 says
you did not wash your hands after touching the dog! eww!
teresarrsaurus says
ideally, you should have 2-3 meals before your workout *for energy* and eat after you workout within 30 minutes.
nyrz says
The dog is probably cleaner than some of you turds..
RaptureRiddimz says
@TheMusclesmagee Yeah but its more fun to see it in action 😀
TheMusclesmagee says
@RaptureRiddimz lol…yeah I guess that one reason.
vonnerenee1 says
nice place