From This quick weight loss workout will help you lose 15 pounds very fast but it may be too hard for some of you but doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try this workout The KEY THING is that you at least try to finish this quick weight loss workout and work your way up to taking less rest time between exercises and for example… Let’s say that during this quick weight loss workout — you have a hard time doing all 15 jump squats in a row — just do about 2 or 3 at a time — catch your breath — and then finish. Eventually — you’ll be able to finish most of the workout by only stopping in between exercises for your mandatory rest periods and… You can go here to print out this quick weight loss workout routine to help YOU Lose 15 pounds fast Remember — Once this quick weight loss workout gets too easy… Do my other YouTube video called “Fast Weight Loss workout exercises to lose 5 lbs. a week” or… You can use heavier weights or do more reps of the exercises in this quick weight loss workout and… How fast you lose 15 pounds all depends on… *How much you weigh — the more overweight you are –the quicker you’ll lose 15 pounds and… *Your diet — If you eat right and avoid bad foods like sugar, sodas, and processed & fried foods — then you’ll lose 15 pounds faster.
cod935 says
omg this nigger sounds like the twin muscuekf gyms
OnepuBop says
i did regular squats at school and my friends where like “Uhh…you okay bro?’
FreeOnlineWorkouts says
This is so inspirational, thanks for posting.
I’m in the process of losing my weight and I’ve been following the exercise programs for the Attack That Fat package.
I’ve lost 9lbs so far in the month of May and hopefully next month will be more of the same. I’m so happy 🙂
sabelsab says
I congratulate you for your video that I find beautiful and so give me lots of ideas for my future training
Merci beaucoup
Sabel from Marseille city (France)
xZeiu says
@ThatIndianGuy7116 that’s definitely homo.
ThatIndianGuy7116 says
@xZeiu Eh, I guess you’re right. Oh well, what can you do?
thegreetingshumans says
i luv this im 13 and im in the healthy weight rage ( they say..) but i realllyyyy wanna loose then pounds and get a 6 pack i already have a 2 pack lol
elenchus says
@ThatIndianGuy7116 lol win
elenchus says
love the video. I went through a bunch of similar videos and I was always thinking “I could get through that in my sleep.” This one I can tell will definitely challenge me to do four times through. And don’t listen to the haters.
aintnoshookone says
@ThatIndianGuy7116 how can you say that and then say no homo?lol
ThatIndianGuy7116 says
@aintnoshookone What!! He has a nice ass!!! lol not like im saying that I want to pound that all night long! haha
ThatIndianGuy7116 says
@elenchus haha
BradDawson22 says
For free fitness challenges, workouts and training plans go to
mhardy24005 says
i can only do 2 full reps aday dis a bummer on ur calves… ps i just started 4 days ago
Ayrad160 says
@AbabyThatWasntAbortd thats true , they need more muscle because they have less brain!
XxIxLovexMattxX says
Instead of abdominal crawls, could I do push ups or planks?
josiegroper says
This looks like an awesome mini-workout, but I can’t do any of the things in the push-up position due to a broken shoulder…
HamzSNM says
@ 2:01 LOL His dick : D
RapidWeightLossGo says
Thank you for nice and helpful information and guide. Keep it up.
Num1Coog says
@Ayrad160 Why must you post your stupidity on YouTube?
luvingutube says
@subella LMao!! I thought the samething