Judge Andrew Napolitano joins Shepard Smith on FOX News to discuss today’s ruling by a federal district court judge in Florida that the new health care law is unconstitutional, and that the entire law must be voided. Sign up at www.CampaignForLiberty.com for more updates.
FCmagic01 says
Shepard Smith!! A chelsea fan?
standupgun says
Social security IS unconstitutional. The sooner people realize the corrupt nature of this ponze scheme, the better.
focus21x says
First weed out the Benedict Arnolds from Congress, like Scott Brown, and some of the despicable old non-republican republican ladies/slots.
focus21x says
I mean SLUTS
focus21x says
The judge is no altar boy, or worse like the Jesus freak Glenn Beck, who is gone now with the wind with his anti/prochristian semitism.
MrDeppness says
If the ENTIRE healthcare bill gets repealed along with the patriot act, it will give us confidence that the Constitution may still be respected and taken seriously in Congress.
dirtbagstatus says
@chuska8383 just a heads up,they are making it more difficult to expatriate so don’t wait too long if you think that you will end up leaving.
profwito says
@standupgun Are you kidding me? How about Napolitano/Paul 2012?!
oldwarhorse1865 says
That judge better watch his ass! Look at what happened to judge Roll!!
kihjin says
3 YEARS? Why?
UNTC321 says
This doesn’t matter at all. The IRS is involved with obahma care. It won’t be stopped. This is just to pacify the tea party crowd. It all mind games.
procack1 says
The Patriot Act should be next to go!!!
focus21x says
The judge would make a perfect president–knowledable, decisive, unflinched, unpolitical, truthful, dedicated to the country and the constitution.
Unkn0wnGuy says
@kihjin Because it takes a lot of time to go through appeals and then up the the supreme court. That’s why.
CetraTJ says
They really need to make heathcare free, its so sad to see people losing thier homes over medical bills
rubenximenes says
@CetraTJ Guess all doctors, nurses, care personel, etc, would work for free…What about your own work? Would you work for free?
CetraTJ says
@rubenximenes oh come on, you knew what i meant. Standardized healthcare like EVERY other 1st world nation.
CetraTJ says
@rubenximenes I agree, except your trying to pigeon hole every american with your bullshit holier than thou attitude. Junk food and prescription drugs are a symptom of bad healthcare as well as a proponant.
rubenximenes says
@CetraTJ Of course I’m being exaggerated, but you’d have to agree with me that a significant portion of US population does have a lifestyle that potentiates ever-rising healthcare problems and costs. Factor in the retiring baby-boomers and you have a recipe for disaster.
For instance, here in Portugal, much “poorer” than USA, our median life expectancy is higher (thanks to the presence of olive oil, fish, vegetables, fruit, etc, in our traditional food), although we spend far less.
limited1defined says
Shep Smith said that a lot of people love this law. Only 38% according to Rasmussen. It hasn’t budged one inch.