Episode 3 int he corrosion series, hope you like it coz it took ages to edit and film. Music: Cage the Elephant-Aint no rest for the wicked LostProphets- Shinobi vs Dragon ninja Killers- All these thing s that ive done Revelations- Goomy Mettalice- From whom bell tolls Lost- Looking glass
lilhagan says
That was awesome!
MediaHedz says
thanks it took the most effort out of all the episodes, hopefully the rest will be as good 😀
KeeganStephen says
I love this series! It is awesome! Keep making more!
ManUtdRulze1 says
Best episode so far. The re-editing made it even better!
fraggermcfragger says
hmmm… why does your voices not match your lips?
danwoodsterz123 says
6:15 that is one hard punch by me lol
xmunchkinmidgetx says
awsome!!! they well gd all of them!!!
KennerzzNewMills says
matuire cheddar