When it comes to getting rid of boils there are many options you can use, one of them is to just let time take it’s course and allow the boil to come to a head, rupture and drain. This is one option but if your boil is particularly painful or in a overly sensitive spot you may want to hurry the process along a little bit, there are other things that may be able to help and ointment for boils is one of them.
A boil is an infection in the skin. It can happen when there is a cut or skin tear that allows the bacteria on your skin to get into your system and turn into a infection. A boil will start out as a smallish red sore, much like a pimple, but as the infection worsens the boil will grow in size and fill with pus.
Boils can occur at any age and anywhere on the body, but some of the most common places are the neck, underarms, shoulders, back and buttocks. When boils occur in the groin areas it can be even more painful and irritating since your clothing can rub on it even more than it would elsewhere on your body.
For most people it’s unnecessary to visit your doctor when you have a boil. The exceptions would be if you have any underlying immune issues that make it more difficult for you to fight off infection, if that is the case you may want to visit your doctor right away.
Another time to go to the doctor to get treatment for a boil is if the boils appear in groups of more than one ( which indicates a more serious infection) or if you develop a fever with the boils, this too can be a sign that the infection is more severe than a normal boil would be.
Do not try to lance, or pop, the boil yourself. This can actually make things worse since you won’t have a sterile environment and you can actually cause the infection to spread to other areas of your body. It’s best to use other methods to encourage the pus to gather close to the surface so the boil can pop on it’s own and drain. One of the most common methods is to use a warm compress. Just take a clean washcloth soak it in hot water and apply it gently directly on the boil. Do this several times a day until the boil is ready to pop.
A good ointment that you can use that will accomplish the same goal can easily be made right at home. Take about 20 neem leaves and boil them in a cup of water. Boil the mixture until half the water has evaporated then let it cool. Apply the ointment to the boil. This natural remedy can help the boil to rupture and drain, thus allowing quicker healing.
Using ointment for boils can offer some soothing effects as well as speed up the time it takes for a boil to heal. Make sure to always keep the affected area clean during and after the time the boil pops to prevent further, possibly more serious, infection.
Boils On Vagina
Boils are infections of the skin that most commonly show up on the face, back, shoulders, buttocks and thighs. They can occur anywhere on the skin though, so boils on vagina are not uncommon.
A boil will start out small and red but as the infection progresses the boil will fill with pus and get bigger (the pus under the skin will become more visible as the outer layer of skin over the boil is stretched thus giving the boil a whitish appearance). Usually a boil will get big enough that the outer layer of skin will burst allowing all the pus to drain, this usually takes about 2 weeks to occur.
If the boil is grouped with more than one boil or if fever or red streaking occur with the boil it could be a sign that there is a more serious infection taking hold and you should see your doctor right away. When a boil forms it can cause itching particularly in the vaginal area of the body, which may be your first indication that there is something going on. Many women often think they have an STD or something more serious but it’s important to remember that in most cases it’s probably a fairly benign issue such as a boil or a rash.
When a boil is found on the vagina it is important to treat it a little more aggressively instead of just letting it run it’s course since this infection can lead to other, more serious infections if the pus enters the blood stream. You need to allow the boil to rupture on it’s own and continue to keep the area clean. You can get some relief by pressing a warm washcloth to the area several times a day, make sure that you thoroughly dry the area when you are through.
To help prevent further breakouts use antibacterial soap and keep your vaginal area clean to prevent the buildup of bacteria that can lead to an infection. Since many times boils are formed by a plugged sweat gland make sure you keep your skin clean by using a soft washcloth to wash that area and gently slough off any dead skin cells and keep the skin free from buildup that can block the sweat glands.
This problem is especially common for women who workout frequently since they will be more prone to sweating. It’s important to wear clothes, underwear, that are made of breathable fabrics so that they can dry. You also want to shower and change as soon after every workout as you possibly can.
Few things are as unpleasant to think about, or have to deal with, as boils on vagina but this really isn’t an uncommon condition and it certainly isn’t something to be embarrassed about. Just remember that it’s important to take good care of the infected area to prevent the infection that caused the boil to spread and possibly turn into a much more serious condition in other parts of your body.
This article is not medical advice and should not be interpreted or used to replace professional medical advice from your personal medical doctor.